At Our Couch

Sunday, February 06, 2005

The City of Lost Children

This is one of those movies I've been eyeing on the video store shelves for quite some time. I first noticed it when I was in college at the Take 2 Video in Moorhead, right by the interstate. The cover led me to belive it would play out like an extended cut of NIN's "Closer" video... and that wasn't a bad thing. I loved that video.

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Up until yesterday, I still hadn't seen this movie. Many friends found it hard to believe. Apparently, it's the kind of movie I'd love.

Well, the verdict is in. I liked it. I didn't love it, but I liked it. I thought I'd watch it dubbed in English at first, as to not be distracted, and miss any of the cool visuals, but about 5 minutes of that, and I went to French with English subtitles. The lipsynching was pretty dern bad.

I was very surprised to see Ron Perlman (Hellboy) in it. I'm not a huge fan of his by any means, but would have never guessed he'd be in some weird French retro-sci-fi thingy. I found things a little hard to follow (ie: Krank's motives, who the cyclops people were, what year it was...?) but did enjoy what I saw. I especially liked One and Miette's friendship, the Octopus (ladies), and Krank's clones.

It may be added to my DVD library someday soon.



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