At Our Couch

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

A great movie about love and regret. We see a couple that has had a typical relationship, and have come to the crossroads where they're both kind of sick of each other. The gal, Clementine (played by Kate Winslet) makes a rash desicion an goes to get her memory erased, at least the parts that contain her then boyfriend Joel (Jim Carrey).

Devistated, Joel decides to do the same, and not have to deal with the pain of a girlfriend who no longer recognizes him. Then things start to get really interesting.

The script is by Charlie Kaufman, who is also responsible for the mind-benders Being John Malcovitch and Adaptation. Spotless Mind is no different. Another deep examination into the human mind, love and loss.

A definate tear jerker. Winslet and Carrey were great, and the supporting cast (including Elija Wood, Kirstin Dunst and David Cross) filled the film out perfectly. I loved it.



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