At Our Couch

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mean Girls

I was looking forward to this movie for two reasons: 1) SNL's ex-head writer, current Weekend Update anchor Tina Fey wrote it and 2) It starred Lidsey Lohan, whom I first really enjoyed in her duel role in Disney's remake of The Parent Trap. I wasn't let down by either of my reasons.

A cute, funny film that is just full of Fey's "left-field" quips, delivered by a great cast of young actors and SNLers Fey, Amy Pohler and Tim Meadows. Though most of the choice lines are reserved for the gay kid and the goth girl, Lohan and the rest of the "Plastics" (the high-schools popular girls, whom Lohan befriends and later takes apart from the inside) get some nice comedy nuggets.

Because Lohan's character comes from Africa (yeah, believe it), she compares a lot of what she sees in teenagers at a public school to Lions, Boars and other African wildlife. A strange relating tool for her character that I just never bought. And, at a turning point in the movie, Fey throws the breaks on and spells out what the point of the movie is. In a scene both unrealistic and very preachy, I kind of lost interest. In spite of few comedy curveballs, the movie got back on track and gave you the ending you really wanted (screening audiences).

I don't think I'll be adding Mean Girls to my video collection any time soon, but I'd recommend it for a fun teen comedy. Can't wait to see what Fey does next.



3 DVDs in the mail today.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

DVDs in the mail


We'd heard so much about it, but feared the $18 a month...mostly on account of my lack of permanant job. Well, damn the torpedos! We went for it anyway. One day later, over 60 movies in the queue, and our first three on the way, Jaime and I wait with baited breath.

Once the flicks come in, and are viewed, you can check back here for a "he said, she said" review of each film. I know you're totally excited about it. I am.